Thursday, December 26, 2019

Types Of Discrimination And Stigma Around Mental Health

There are many types of discrimination and stigma around mental health. So damaging, it impacts 63% of individuals living with mental illness alone. Social stigma holds people for believing they can live a fulfilled existence in spite of diagnosis and symptoms of mental illness. The number of studies showing what it’s called â€Å"diagnostic overshadowing† that is, over attributing a patient’s symptoms of a particular condition, in many cases, it means the medical morbidity of being undiagnosed and untreated is rising. This trend presents alarming numbers, making us, the sufferers, sicker and self-conscious of our own efforts to live a â€Å"normal life†. I have experienced stigma in its many forms: social, perceived, and self-stigma. But I was†¦show more content†¦This time, though, everything felt different. As soon as we arrived at her office, a dry greeting with a touch of indifference was enough reason to ignite my anxiety. I realized she w as upset about me being late for my appointment. Confused, I corroborated to her the time of our meeting since her first statement was not truthful; I d arrived early for my appointment as usual. None of that matter, she argued emphasizing â€Å"because you’re late, I have to say sorry to my other patients for not meeting in time,† Her dark eyes followed my movements, the atmosphere felt dense and unpleasant. As a patient struggling with anxiety and depression among other disorders, being trapped in a room building trust with a professional should be able to understand my most inner thoughts and fears; if the bridge of trust doesn’t lay a strong foundation, in this case my mental, emotional and physical health, it ignites a sudden paranoia in me. It is extremely important to trust a psychiatrist and work together as a team. She became curious about the color of my hair (A very intense crimson red hair). â€Å"Mmm, do you like that color on your hair?† Yes , I love red hair. â€Å"But tell me, why red? Does it symbolize anything to you?† No, I like red, I said bluntly. She smirked while examining my clothing, my purse, my boots and my overall appearance with no shame writing God knows what on her notes. There I was wondering what the fuck her problem is. After a painful silence, she

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Day Of My First Kiss Essay - 1640 Words

I left right after work to rush home and take a shower. Tonight was going to be amazing. Tonight would be the night of my first actual party and I knew it would be fun. I couldn’t stop thinking about all memories that night would be filled with and the friends I’d get to share them with. I had no doubt that tonight would be a night to remember. There are two dates I will never forget. They happened on the same day, but different years. February 12, 2012, the day of my first kiss. This was the day I learned that something so simple could mean so much when you share it with someone special. This was the day I began to believe that love could be real. February 12, 2016, the day I was sexually assaulted. This was the day I stopped believing in anything. This was the day my world stopped and the day I learned what it means to be a victim. Being a victim is something I hope no one has to go through. It’s not just a title, but something you have to deal with everyday. I had never known what it meant to live as a victim. Every day is different. Some days I wake up and everything is fine. I don’t feel any sadness, it’s just a normal day. Other days, though, I wake up and I regret it. I just want to stay in bed and pretend life isn’t happening. The hard days rarely come, but when they do, they come as a storm of flashbacks, panic attacks, and numbness. Being a victim means being prepared for the worst, but hoping for the best. The night it happened to me was a blur. On my way toShow MoreRelatedKissing Is A Kind Of Communicating Style1328 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout generations, kissing has become a sort of communicating style, where one can show their affection to someone special or their own. Often times these days in public, there are many couples who are making out in the most outrageous spots. Weather that is in the middle of the store, mall, elevator, escalator or anywhere there is room on this earth. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Health Care Professional as an Communicator- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theHealth Care Professional as an Effective Communicator. Answer: Listening: The nursing student is quite attentive to the patient and listens to everything she says and calms her as when measures her blood pressure. (YouTube, 2018).This is great as it creates a good rapport with the patient. As per Stein-Parburys views on active listening, one should be alert of their choice of communication techniques, the timing, manner and the personal characteristics to be effective. (Estes et al., 2016) Nonverbal cues: The nursing student was able to notice the patients body position and realized she was uncomfortable. (YouTube, 2018). In this way, she was able to ask her how her night was and whether she was in any pain hence a great assessment. Nonverbal cues such as failure to maintain eye contact, fidgeting, rapid blinking, body position, yawning, repetitive throat clearing, excessive frowning or smiling show the patient may be uncomfortable expressing her self verbally. (Estes et al., 2016) Personal space: In this case, it was a hospital room with three beds, the nursing student was able to maintain the personal space and even opened the windows so that the room is more comfortable for the patient. (YouTube, 2018).The patient even asked for a magazine that would keep her busy. The patient might be extremely defensive of this space and think about unapproved utilization of it as a privacy invasion. (Estes et al., 2016) Distance: The nursing student maintained a personal distance with the patient as she measured the blood pressure. The personal distance may likewise include some touching or physical contact, and it might ease communication on a few occasions, for example, for patients with hearing hindrance. (Estes et al., 2016). In this case, I believe that the nursing student used the open-ended questions as effective communication techniques. This is because she started by asking the patient Good morning, how are you? (YouTube, 2018).Effective communication strategies encourage or bolster cooperations between the medical attendant and the patient and cultivate their continuation. These systems incorporate both verbal and nonverbal methodologies. (Estes et al., 2016). Starting the wellbeing appraisal meet with open-ended questions furnishes the patient with a feeling of control, leaving the decision of what to state, the amount to state, and how to state it up to the patient. These questions show regard for the patient's capacity to verbalize essential or to squeeze wellbeing concerns and, subsequently, to help set needs. Open-ended questions that start with the words how, what, where, when and who are more effective in evoking the most extreme measure of data than those that start with the word why. (Estes et al., 2016). 'Why' questions can make patients end up protective and want to some way or another clarify or guard their thoughts and conduct, along these lines setting up an antagonistic connection amongst medical attendant and patient. Albeit open-ended questions are instrumental in the wellbeing appraisal talk with, they can be tedious and may not be proper in the circumstances requiring quick access to data and fast reaction by medicinal services suppliers. Abuse of this sort of question, particularly with the patient who is confounded, ambiguous in his or her reactions, or to a great degree garrulous, can make the medical attendant miss imperative data. Probing: The nursing student kept asking the patient whether she felt any pain. She repeated that many times which would have been disappointing to her. (YouTube, 2018).Rehashed or industrious addressing of the patient about an announcement or conduct builds understanding tension and can cause perplexity, threatening vibe and an inclination to pull back from the connection. (Estes et al., 2016). This patient withdrawal and the expanding times of hush coming about because of it can heighten the medical attendant's uneasiness. On edge, medical caretakers tend to end up more dynamic and more mandate in the meeting. The patient's unwillingness or wavering to examine a specific occasion or wellbeing concern may demonstrate persistent misconception, deception, or a noteworthy issue region that requirements advance illumination or investigation. Interrupting the patient: The nursing student interrupted the patient when she was asking her whether she had ever taken the blood pressure measurement before. She said: so you know what to expect? without even letting her finish answering the question. (YouTube, 2018).Interrupting the patient avoids consummation of an idea or thought and presented another core interest. (Estes et al., 2016). Such conduct may facilitate the medical caretaker's inconvenience, yet it demonstrates an absence of regard and frequently just confounds or disturbs the patient. Questions should center around one specific subject until the point when every single pertinent datum have been gathered, and the patient feels wrapped up. Interrupting the patient with cuts off the stream of thoughts and imparts the message that whatever the patient was tending to isn't as essential as what the attendant needs to examine straightaway. References Estes, et al. Mary, Ellen Zator, (2016). Health Assessment Physical Examination. Cengage Learning Australia, 2015. ProQuest Ebook Central. Granot, T., Gordon, N., Perry, S., Rizel, S., Stemmer, S. M. (2016). Factors Affecting Communication Patterns between Oncology Staff and Family Members of Deceased Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study.PloS one,11(9), e0162813. Koo, L. W., Horowitz, A. M., Radice, S. D., Wang, M. Q., Kleinman, D. V. (2016). Nurse Practitioners' Use of Communication Techniques: Results of a Maryland Oral Health Literacy Survey.PloS one,11(1), e0146545. Riley, J. B. (2015).Communication in nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences. Silverman, J., Kurtz, S., Draper, J. (2016).Skills for communicating with patients. CRC Press. YouTube. (2018).Introduction to patient 1. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Mar. 2018].

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Harvard Referencing Method

Introduction The Puerto Rican immigrants have been reflected on the West Side Story film and the past paper assignments. The immigrants were a key historical element of immigration to the United States. The immigrants with Puerto Rican descent were among the many immigrants into America with the intention of obtaining suitable employment opportunities so as to better their lifestyles. Puerto Rico as a country was in crisis with a high level of poverty.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Harvard Referencing Method specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The people were lacking essential needs. Their status relating to health, education and housing were being affected. All these factors influenced the Puerto Rican immigration to the United States. They migrated to the U. S. in numbers since this was the best opinion to them (Whalen and ViÃŒ ctor 17). The immigration process was a great challenge to the Puerto Rican peop le. They had been affected by social and economic problems in their home country hence being forced to move. On arriving in a foreign country, things did not get any better. They faced new challenges that they were not aware of. West Side Story Film The West Side Story film is a musical film produced in 1961. The film is based on an American musical by the same name. The American musical has a book, music, conception and choreography done by different people. It was enthused by Romeo and Juliet, a play by Shakespeare. The film’s plot was divided into two acts. This was intended at increasing more tension in the plot. The film shows the life of two gangs who are involved in music based tension in the Manhattan streets in the 1957 late summer. The gangs include the Jets and the Sharks. The Jets were a white American gang while the Sharks were a gang with Puerto Rican immigrants. The two gangs are rivals, and they harass each other. The rift between the two gangs escalates. The two rival gangs agree to meet at an agreed location for a fight. The fight begins and ends up fatally with the two gang leaders being stubbed to death. The police arrive at the location and the other gang members flee away from the scene. Later on, the co-founder of the American gang is killed by a Puerto Rican gang member. The film ends with the arrest of the killer by police. This film addresses the themes discussed in the previous assignments since it reflects on the lives of Puerto Rican immigrants. The film demonstrates the lifestyle of immigrants in a foreign nation. The film shows the elements that affected Puerto Rican immigrants. The film offers the perspective of the struggles the Puerto Rican immigrants underwent while in a foreign country.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Relationship Reflection The film West Side Story and the past paper assignments support the same idea. The two consider the Puerto Rican migration and the challenges faced by them in a foreign country. The two show how it was difficult for immigrants to live a superior life in a foreign state. The immigrants in both contexts were struggling with their settlement and their location. The immigrants who arrived in America ended up living in eastern parts of America, mainly New York. This is because they could not afford high rent rates in other areas. They did not get good employment opportunities that would sustain them to live better lives. Hence they were making a little income and could not afford to settle in good locations (Whalen and ViÃŒ ctor 21). The immigrants in both contexts were involved in crime. The immigrants were influenced by the areas where they lived. The crime rates in America were on the increase with the number of immigrants increasing. The immigrants were faced by financial challenges hence they forced to indulge themselves in crime. The location of the immigran ts was a setting of low levels of civilization. The immigrants in both contexts were involved in cultural events. They were involved in various activities that developed culture. They practiced their culture in the foreign country. They were involved in the establishment of a cultural life of sociality. They preserved their heritage on culture by being involved in social and political movements (Fitzpatrick 49). The immigrants in both contexts faced discrimination. The area in which the immigrants lived, the locals there felt that the immigrants have come to take their position and opportunities. They discriminated them since they were in their country. The immigrants were mistreated by the locals in different ways and setting. For instance in terms relating to employment, they received discrimination at work by being paid the lowest payment. In terms relating to where they lived, they faced discrimination from people who claimed that they are not supposed to live in those areas (Wh alen and ViÃŒ ctor 35). Puerto Ricans The film and the paper describe the Puerto Ricans on the island, the mainland, or the diaspora at large. The Puerto Ricans were people who targeted to improve their lives. Having faced hard times in their country, they were ready to make the changes essential in order to improve the status.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Harvard Referencing Method specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Puerto Ricans were involved in social, cultural and political movements so as to influence change where possible. They indulged themselves in campaigns that would see them be recognized and be treated with acknowledgement. Both the film and paper describe the Puerto Ricans on the island, the mainland, or the diaspora at large as people who valued their culture and were always protecting and promoting it. This is evident in the notable activities they used to be involved with. They practice d these so as to support their culture instead of letting it die off. The Puerto Ricans were also shown to be people with unity. In the different locations they were, they linked themselves in one accord. This increased their popularity and strength as a community. They also helped each other in all situations in support of each other. When their own would get into a problem, they would come up with a solution that was meant to improve the situation (Fitzpatrick 14). The message between the two contexts, the film and the papers, is that the Puerto Rican immigration into the United States was influenced by several aspects. This depended on the motive of the immigrants, with the main purpose of immigration was to gain employment. Conclusion The immigration of Puerto Rican people into the United States has impacted the social, political and economic aspects in different ways. The Puerto Rican people established a culture while in the foreign country. This was among the several positive impacts they made. They practiced their customs and traditions that gained recognition by the locals. Their efforts to gain employment and work in the foreign country improve the economy status. Through immigration, the Puerto Rican people improved their status and that of their location (Fitzpatrick 77). Works Cited Fitzpatrick, Joseph P.  Puerto Rican Americans: The Meaning of Migration to the Mainland. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall, 1971. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Whalen, Carmen T, and ViÃŒ ctor VaÃŒ zquez-HernaÃŒ ndez.  The Puerto Rican Diaspora: Historical Perspectives. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2005. Print. This essay on The Harvard Referencing Method was written and submitted by user Korbin Banks to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.